Courage, dear heart

The Michaelmas Season is here. I've written about Michaelmas many times here. I've celebrated the symbols of courage, strength, and energy that come with this season. I've enjoyed watching the children reenact St. George and the Dragon, pick apples, run races, and enjoy the harvest.

This year, this season of courage came home to all of us in a different way. We lost a husband, grandfather, teacher, friend at our school while he was helping to prepare for this big day.  His wife had just brought her 8th grade class back from their sailing trip and everyone was exuberant preparing for this big festival.

One of the school's teachers reminded me of this quote from C.S. Lews. In Voyage of the Dawn Treader, there is a scene where, when things seem their worst, something flies by Lucy-- a bird in the dark. She smell's Aslan's familiar scent, and the bird whispers in his voice, "Courage, dear heart."

For this Michaelmas season, instead of the image of a dragon being conquered by a courageous knight, I hold the images of ships finding new directions at sea and lions sending great courage.

I hold this in my meditations for myself, our school, and my friends who have lost beloved spouses so very suddenly this year.

Francesca  – (October 5, 2014 at 11:51 PM)  

Thank you so much for your sorry to hear about your loss, yet another husband is fighting his dragon, his cancer. I will join him down in Boston where he goes for treatment. I will leave behind my home in NH, my school in ME and my son in ME.... It will go by fast, by the end of the month we should be all home and healing will begin....Still....Courage, dear heart....

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